Welcome to the Body Recovery Group website and blog!
The Body Recovery Group started as one in-person peer support group in Auckland (Tāmaki Makaurau) New Zealand (Aotearoa). In February I started an additional virtual group, primarily to serve people in North America (Turtle Island). Partly due to my health and party due to the Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, the Auckland Group shifted to virtual as well, and today both remain online. (EDIT: Both groups were put on indefinite hiatus in 2021.)
Body Recovery Group's primary purpose is to fill in a gap in the experience of those recovering from eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting, compulsive exercising, and similar struggles.
The gap is this: we need to be talking about a LOT more issues than our food, exercise, and body image. To say we need to make recovery more intersectional is a monumental understatement.
Why are transgender people significantly more at risk for eating disorders? And if exploring gender identity can deepen recovery, why isn't it included in traditional treatment?
How does poverty and food scarcity affect our relationships with food, and why isn't that talked about in more mainstream conversations?
In what ways do social racism damage people's relationships to their bodies and systemic racism obstruct medical care for people of color?
Why did everyone I went to treatment with look like me?
Why do we talk more about our "issues with body image" than how the culture, people, and systems around us overtly encourage us to hate our bodies and covertly manipulate us into hating each others' bodies??